Every now and then there are certain highlights that I am thankful for and enjoy them very much. It has been a busy summer and I had to reduce some of my occupations. There was not much time left for anything. However, we finally managed to meet nearly 6 months after his arrival at Salzburg. I am talking about Robert from Ohio who had his Big Dummy shipped to Salzburg from the US, and who will be leaving soon. I was in fear we would completely fail to meet at all.
I will be thinking a lot about those things we discussed at the Salzburg Afro Cafe, as like our environment, nature, cycling, big dummy bicycles and Surly bikes, motorcycles, work, family, economy, USA, Austria. Once more I may indicate my dedication to cycling even this time where my bicycling percentage has dropped due to time and many other constraints.
Robert, I wish you a nice trip back home and I will be looking forward to your next visit over here.
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